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CCS/MSP432P401R: Disable resetISR Breakpoint when debugging

Part Number: MSP432P401R

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

I am debugging my code, and need to what happens when my MPU resets after tripping the WDT. However, every time the WDT trips, the code enters the resetISR function, and hits an invisible breakpoint. How do I get my code to hit the resetISR and just reset without stopping?

And before anyone asks, yes I do know that I can just hit resume program, however I have time sensitive components and I need to see what happens when the reset occurs.

  • Reid,

    I don't know the exact answer to this off the top of my head as I've never done this but the first place I would start to see if this is possible is the Auto Run and Launch Config options. You can get there by right clicking your project>Properties>Debug>Auto Run etc. I would specifically look at the Auto Run options.

    In the meantime, I'm gonna ask our CCS team to see if they have any input to know what might be possible here.
  • Reid, just to confirm, you are hitting the Reset_Handler correct?
  • Yes, I am hitting the reset handler void resetISR(void), but it is pausing the code before going back to the begining.
  • Reid,

    Just a thought, instead of trying to workaround this in debug mode, what if you toggled GPIO's on an oscilloscope for when you hit your WDT and when you start up (whereever you wish to toggle), in free run mode, and measure the time between the two? Or are you looking for more details than just timing?
  • Unfortunately I do need the debug mode, because I need to analyze a variable in my code, post-reset.

    All autorun options are enabled, and it still stops.
  • Hi,

    I wasn't necessarily able to reproduce this issue - I tested both a blank device and an example code where the watchdog reset the target. In both cases the CCS debugger did not halt the target. 

    Please check the two short clips below, which also show the settings I am using - perhaps you can try to mimic the environment. The versions are CCSv7.2.0.00013 with TI Emulators package and MSP432 tool-chain 7.2.4. 

    No code:

    Using the watchdog code. After putting the device to run, the watchdog is triggered after four seconds. 

    Hope this helps,


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