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MSP430FR5959: Using JetBrains CLion IDE with MSP430 GCC

Part Number: MSP430FR5959
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430-GCC-OPENSOURCE

Hi everybody!

I use CCSv7 to develop my msp430 projects. JetBrains IDEs are very powerful and friendly, so I want to try CLion as IDE.
Yet there is no available information about configuring the IDE for use with the msp430 chips. The only topic I've got is about STM32 and I'm not sure that CMakeLists.txt file editing is the only possible way.

The similar topic
#mce_temp_url# by Bruno Saraiva. The solution presented is unclear to me:

I experiment with ARMs using CLion. If you want all its project-management features you need to use CMake. All that it does is to generate makefiles. You can connect here CCS compiler or anything else (just see what it calls when it does the compilation and linking). However, I recommend to use GCC.

The topic is locked, so I dare to ask for more explicit explanations: how can I set msp430-elf-gcc as a Compiler for CLion.


  • Hi lurii,

    TI does not maintain the MSP430-GCC-OPENSOURCE and the MSP430 has a proprietary core, not an ARM like Stellaris devices, which makes this a difficult questions to support. I have not heard of any users being able to use the JetBrains CLion IDE with an MSP430.

  • Hi, Ryan!

    Thank you for an answer! I'll try to find solution - when I have a spare time. The task of configuring the CLion to use a specified Compilator does not seem a very tough one. Debugging may be a little bit efforts consuming.

    Hope to report in November :)



  • Iurii Vlasenko said:

    The task of configuring the CLion to use a specified Compilator does not seem a very tough one. Debugging may be a little bit efforts consuming. Hope to report in November :)

    Well, it's December already. So I decided to report the current state of affairs.

    1) The aim of linking CLion and msp430-gcc is achieved. I'm not sure that it's the best solution, but I can 

    • edit source files with all the support features of CLion IDE
    • build the project with msp430-gcc
    • upload the EXE file (.elf to be precise) to the target MCU with eZ-FET programmer

    2) Debugging in IDE is not achieved yet. To be able to tune the IDE debugging, I have to set a command-line debug session first. But the gdb_agent_console from msp430-gcc does not work with my 5969 LaunchPad, so far... I'm going to put a question in CCS forum but I'm not sure about the support of GDB issues there.

    Anyway, I take some time to decide whether I can do some more or is above-mentioned results are final. Then I intend to describe the way I use CLion with msp430-gcc. Maybe the CCS forum will be a more appropriate place (?)

  • Thanks for the update Yury! It would be great if you could post your results on both this thread and the CCS forum for the greatest visibility. I'm likewise not sure if the CCS forum will be able to provide any support your debugging issue but it is worth a shot.

  • Ryan,

    I will report my results gladly. But when I try to put it systematically, I see a lot of things that may be changed,  mostly simplified. So I have to pay some time for a good report.

    And - yes, the debugging is possible, but there are some problems with gdb and gdb server communication. The problem is described here 



  • I reported all my results in the ad-hoc created blog.

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