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My MSP430 is working as the single master communicating to a single slave device the RT9528 charger. Usually, about 98% of the time it powers on and I2C works flawlessly. The other 2% gets stuck in a fault state with no communication and seems to be cleared only by power cycle (so far). On the faulty power-up, it seems that SDA/P1.7 never leaves logic low. I think the MSP is the one responsible because when I disconnect series resistor, MSP side is low (albeit it also removes pull-up) and the slave side is high (w/ pull-up). I try to detect when it happens in code and convert P1.7 to GPIO to attempt a toggle, but when I try this it only goes to 1V instead of 3.3V.
Siby James said he would share the schematic separately.
Your explanation makes sense but can you offer any insight as to why disconnecting the slave causes the slave side logic to go to high?
Do you have any tips for how to secure transmission to slave? I'm going give pulsing SCL 9 times another shot
Thank you for your replies to our forums. I will be sharing the schematic internally as this is a public forum.
Hi Ryan,
Thanks for your review. Ah-ha, you are absolutely right about why the MSP is low without series resistor.
I've had big improvements by pulsing SCL P1.6 as a GPIO to clock out extra bits. It seems that the slave is in the middle of a transmission. Regardless of state of SDA on power-up, initialization now uses 8 clock pulses followed by a STOP condition, here is a case when SDA was held low on power-up:
I think this confirms that SDA was held low by the RT9528. I am still running tests to see if any faults persist. Do you have any recommendation for using more or less than 8 pulses?
When P1.7 was used as GPIO it was with the series resistor shorted.
No way to way reset RT9528 without resetting MSP because SoC_VCC is able to backpower VUSB to 3V
Eight data bits plus one ACK/NACK bit add up to nine pulses in the worst case.
The I²C specification says:
3.1.16 Bus clear
In the unlikely event where the clock (SCL) is stuck LOW, the preferential procedure is to reset the bus using the HW reset signal if your I²C devices have HW reset inputs. If the I²C devices do not have HW reset inputs, cycle power to the devices to activate the mandatory internal Power-On Reset (POR) circuit.
If the data line (SDA) is stuck LOW, the master should send nine clock pulses. The device that held the bus LOW should release it sometime within those nine clocks. If not, then use the HW reset or cycle power to clear the bus.
Thanks for the feedback Clemens and Ryan.
I will leave it unchanged from scope picture since my STOP condition sends an additional falling edge for 9 total.
**Attention** This is a public forum