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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I am working on an ultrasonic waterflow meter project and in this context I am checking out the MSP430FR6047 EVM. I studied the different application notes like the "application SW architecture" pdf.
Together with the CCS-Project "USSLib_GUI_Demo I got an overview how the system works and what function has what kind of things to do. My next step is to build my own project to get used to the system. In this case I am using the "USSLib_template_example".
So here are a few questions on this CCS-project:
1. The Project is able to compile and download to the EVM. When I start runnig the Programm it goes through the first two functions
"code = USS_initAlgorithms(&gUssSWConfig);"
"code = USS_configureUltrasonicMeasurement(&gUssSWConfig);"
and then in the thirth function "code = USS_calibrateSignalGain(&gUssSWConfig);" the program remains somewhere in the library function (Picture). So first of all it would be interessting if this exaple-project should be ready to run out of the box?
The Image Shows where the program stays when press pause:
2. What could be the issue when the program stuck in the Lib-function c"ode = USS_calibrateSignalGain(&gUssSWConfig);"?
3. I tried to expand the program and made some system initialisations because I thought that maybe there are some problems with clock initialisation to get the sytem up and running. But that doesn't work at all. So what do I have to do to get this example project run?
4. Are there any application notes on this projec-example where ther is written how to get started with a new USS-project?
Thank you very much in advance for any suggestions!
Kind regards
Hi Dominic,
The USSLib_GUI_Demo should sun together with Ultrasonic Sensing Design Center, a GUI. You can download the GUI and use it to configure the parameters and observe the measurement results. If any questions, please refer to the User's Guide and Quick Start Guide.The program need receive command from GUI then run correctly.
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Hi Winter
Thanks for your reply!
Unfortunately this is not what I am looking for. I already worked with the GUI to get started and understand the device and its functions. So in the next step I would like to start with the template_example project that has no HMI like GUI-communication and that stuff.
I thought that USSLib_template_example project would be a good way to start with my own firmware project. What I need is some Information about this project, if it should be running from scratch or not and what to do to get it running. As I said the programm stuck somewhere in a USSLib-Function an I have no idea why!
Otherwise I will start with a new empty project. But I am not sure if this would be the better way to go :-)
Thank you for further advices
Hi Dominic,
I think you can start from "USSLib_GUI_Demo" project. You can modify the code to display your flow rate in LCD or output by communication interface, such as UART, I2C. The "USSLib_GUI_Demo" project include all this function, just need custom your own communication protocol.
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