Part Number: MSP432P401R
i try to get the BSL running with invocation through my application software.
I got a board with a MAX3386E RS232 converter on it connected to eUSCI_A0. According to SLAU622G section 3.3.1 it's possible.
I've included the following code into my application software, which is called by a command over the serial connection.
#include "msp.h" #include <ti/devices/msp432p4xx/driverlib/driverlib.h> ... #define BSL_PARAM 0xFC48DFFF // I2C slave address = 0x48, Interface selection = UART //#define BSL_API_TABLE_ADDR 0x00202000 // Address of BSL API table #define BSL_ENTRY_FUNCTION (*((uint32_t *)BSL_API_TABLE_ADDR)) ... main() { ... if (status & STATUS_BSL) { status &= ~STATUS_BSL; MAP_Interrupt_disableMaster(); NVIC->ICER[0] = 0xFFFF; NVIC->ICPR[0] = 0xFFFF; NVIC->ICER[1] = 0xFFFF; NVIC->ICPR[1] = 0xFFFF; ((void (*)())BSL_ENTRY_FUNCTION)((uint32_t)BSL_PARAM); // Call the BSL with given BSL parameters } ... }
When i now try to enter the BSL, the MCU leaves my application software ( doesn't respond to my commands on the serial) but the BSL_scripter can't establish a connection to the device. With a scope i can see the Signals comming from the Scripter, but no answer from the device.
When i use a brand-new MCU or a Device which got reset to factory defaults, it works.
The BSL_Scripter ist startet out of a cmd-window like the following
C:\EigeneDaten\Workspace_v7\Datenlogger\Debug>C:\EigeneDaten\Datenblaetter_u_sonstiges\MSP_Doku\MSPBSL_Scripter_win\BSL-Scripter.exe -d -g -n P4xx -i [COM1,UART,9600,PARITY] -b -z [RESET] --------------------------------------------------------- BSL Scripter 3.3.0 PC software for BSL programming 2018-Apr-27 10:50:22 --------------------------------------------------------- Log mode is turned off! C:\EigeneDaten\Datenblaetter_u_sonstiges\MSP_Doku\MSPBSL_Scripter_win\BSL-Scripter.exe -d -g -n P4xx -i [COM1,UART,9600,PARITY] -b -z [RESET] Verbose is turned on! Device : P4xx Init communication parameters : [COM1,UART,9600,PARITY] [ERROR_MESSAGE]Initialization of P4xx BSL failed! Exit the scripter!
I got no idea left why it does not work correctly.