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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
we are developing a custom board based on the MSP430FR5964 microcontroller.
When we try to program the firmware in the microcontroller using CCS V6.2.0.00050 using the Spy-by-wire interface we get the following error: "Error connecting to the target: Unknown device".
We double checked the programming interface in our board but it seems all ok: the programming signals are clean and with correct level.
The programming interface if perfectly equivalent to the one in the MSP-EXP430FR5994 launchpad demo board that we used to develop our code while waiting for our custom board.
Since che MSP430FR5994 processor mounted in TI Launchpad demo board is pin compatible with MSP430FR5964 that we want to use in our project, we swapped the processors, i.e. we unsoldered the FR5994 from launchpad and mounted it to our board while the FR5964 in our board was mounted in the TI demo board and SURPRISE!! Now we are able to program the software in our custom board while attempting to program the MSP430FR5964 in TI launchpad board give us the "Error connecting to the target: Unknown device".
We tried to use different MSP430FR5964 samples but for all of them we get the same programming error in both our custom board and TI launchpad demo board.
The MSP430FR5994 instead works fine in both boards.
Since we are in hurry developing our prototype, we are mounting the MSP430FR5994 chip but the question remains:
Why we are not able to program the MSP430FR5964 chip using the CCS VV6.2.0.00050 ?
Have you any suggestion on what else we have to check?
Thank you to all
Hello Carlo,
You might need to verify that the device type was changed from MSP430FR5994 to MSP430FR5964 in CCS.
Well, the only other thing I can think of is maybe you can try updating BSL on the FR5964. You can use either the BSLScripter tool or the MSP430Flasher to download the default program that comes with the tools. Once that is done, try to download your program again using CCS.
The other thing to try with the Launchpad with the FR5964 is to power the device and then hit the reset button. I am not sure if you hard reset button built into your demo board.
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