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MSP-FET: MSP-FETflash: Firmware update = brick?

Part Number: MSP-FET
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC1200, , MSP430F5438A

I've just received this week two MSP-FETflash devices here (pcb rev 2.0.5-), to go with my TrxEB and CC1200 radios.

I plugged one of them into my windows box with SmartRF Studio 7, and it appeared in the 'list of connected devices' at the bottom of the window.

Then a popup came up, asking me if I wanted to upgrade the firmware on it. Sure, I thought.

At some point, I don't know if it was halfway through or if it was finished, windows decided to start installing the driver for it.

Now windows thinks it's an 'HID-compliant device', and it won't show up in SmartRF studio anymore. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers in Device Manager, I even downloaded all of CCS in case there was a better driver contained therein. Nope. Windows just keeps saying that 'the best driver is already installed' and even clicking on 'have disk' and doing it manually it says 'this driver is not compatible with that device'.

So I plugged it into a linux box, and it's coming up with 'idvendor=2047, idproduct=0204, bcddevice=1.08, mfr=0, product=0, serialnumber=0'. (top lines xterm screenshot and windows dev manager screenshot)

My other identical device (which has never been plugged into windows nor firmware updated) gives 'idvendor=2047, idproduct=0014, bcddevice=2.00, mfr=1, product=2, serialnumber=3'. (bottom lines of xterm screenshot)

So, did updating the firmware brick this thing entirely? Can I somehow still upload the correct firmware over the USB (using win or lin)? Can I use the good one as a jtag converter to flash the brick?

  • Hi Richard,

    I've tried to reproduce your issue but didn't succeed. I verified that the SmartRF Studio asks for a MSP-FET firmware update and after it's updated it doesn't show up anymore. However in CCS I was able to successfully use the MSP-FET after that (even though CCS then also proposes a firmware update again).
    Can you tell me which CCS version you're currently using? Could you try updating that version to the latest one and check the MSP-FET again?

    Best regards,
  • Hi,

    I only downloaded ccs in an attempt to get the .ini files from it, so it should be the latest version:

    Anyway, I don't really know how to use ccs, but I've managed to do the following anyway:

    - Click on Project -> New CCS Project.

    - Select Target MSP430x5xx Family, MSP430F5438A (the chip on v1.7 of my TrxEB)

    - Then Connection comes up with TI MSP430 USB1 [Default], so I clicked Identify

    The first time I did this, it came up with some sort of Error screen, and the option to click a button labelled Recovery, so I did, and that seems to have fixed it somewhat. Windows Device Manager is now also showing 2 things under the Ports section, MSP Application UART1 (COM24) and MSP Debug Interface (COM23).

    If I quit and restart ccs and repeat those steps, sometimes I get the following screen, and sometimes I don't:

    So I click Yes, and wait until it finishes.

    Then (or straight away if that firmware update window didn't appear) it shows a message in the Identify Connection popup window:

    "Debug Server Session is running.
    The session will be terminated in xx seconds.
    To terminate the session now, click the Finish button."

    and that's it as far as CCS goes. I don't know what else to do therein because I've never used ccs before, and can't seem to find an example project to see if it actually works.

    In SmartRF Studio7, I'm also getting something down the bottom in List Of Connected Devices:

    When I double click on that I get the popup saying to update firmware:

    I click Yes, Update In Progress goes up to 100%, Firmware Successfully Updated, then I get the following popup:

    Also weird is that on the TrxEB I've monitored the voltage on the FET pin of the Power Source using a scope. When I plug in the MSP, the voltage goes up to 3.3V for 1.4 seconds, down to 1.7V for 400ms, drops down to 500mv over 820ms, then goes back to 1.7V. It stays there until I click on Open Control Panel (instead of updating the firmware), at which point it drops to ~250mV and I get the above screen (with the last line reading Device Access Failed: Incorrect EB Type instead).

    So that's about as far as I've gotten with either of those two programs. Neither one actually updates the firmware, despite both telling me that they're successfully completed. SmartRF Studio doesn't connect to the device, and I don't know if ccs is or not because I don't really know how to.

  • Hi Richard,

    thanks for the detailed description.
    What strikes most is your description of the voltage on the FET. You described that it really drops to way below 1.7V which could indicate a hardware failure rather than anything related to the Firmware updated not working properly. Did you measure those voltage levels during "firmware update"? Or after trying to do so? What is connected to it when you observe those levels?
    Can you reproduce the behavior, with special emphasis on voltage drops below ~1.8V?
    In case you have a second MSP-FET could you try if this shows the same errors.
    If this is not an option I'd suggest for you to actually return the MSP-FET to get a new one. This must be done via the same path as you've purchased it in the first place.

    Please let me know if you can conduct any of the measurements and the results. Or if you've gone one of the other paths.
    Thanks and best regards,
  • Hi Richard,

    is there any update on your side?
    Did you try any of the options I've indicated in my last post?
    I'd be curious if you've been able to advance or if there is still anything I can help you with.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Richard,

    as I didn't hear back from you on this thread I assume that your issue has been solved in the meantime.
    Note that I will close this thread. Please reply back in case further assistance is needed.

    Best regards,

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