I have an application using Atmel SAM3X8E controller. It has single MOSI, MISO and SCLK lines and four separate Chip Select lines for SPI. As I needed to connect total 7 slaves, I expanded the chip select lines using a Demux as shown in attached figure. One of My slave is having MSP430F5432 controller which is working in slave mode (SPIB0). Another SPI of MSP430 (SPIB1) is used to communicate with an ADC. I was able to test the SPI Master slave communication between Atmel controller and MSP430 while all other slaves are disabled. But when other slaves are connected/enabled, I am unable to establish proper communication with Atmel and MSP430. Moreover, the touch function of the display is also not working. But when the MSP430 device is removed, the touch is found to be responsive and it automatically goes to the page as a result of prev. touch that is done before removing the MSP device. It is to be noted that, Atmel controller was able to communicate properly with all its slaves before connecting MSP430 Device.
We also have an option to bypass the MSP430 controller and communicate directly with ADC of the slave, then also it was found the communication between master and all the slaves are found to be working properly (including the touch).
Can you please provide some possible reasons for the issues mentioned above?
Thanks in Advance.