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MSP432E401Y: Connecting two i2c modules (I2C1 and I2C4) on MSP432 as Master and Slave

Part Number: MSP432E401Y
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMP117,

I'm trying to emulate TMP117 as i2c slave communicating with MSP432E401 as i2c master. So, I connected I2C4 (master) to I2C1 (slave) on same MSP432E as shown below, and configured the DriverLib samples i2c_mastermode_simple_transfer.c (I2C4SCL) and i2c_slavemode_simple_transfer.c (I2C1SCL). Both are using  IRQ handlers with the slave's IRQ is enabled first (i.e, no-rtos).

The slave module does not acknowledge the address byte (0x48), as indicated in the i2c line trace below (scope trace is triggered on master writing slave address 0x48). Is there a way/workaround to get this to work in principle? 


Wiring Diagram:

------------------------------- MSP432E401Y -------------------------------

       Slave                                                              Master

PG0|<->I2C1SCL  --------------------------------  I2C4SCL<->PK6     
PG1|<->I2C1SDA  -------------------------------- I2C4SDA<->PK7

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