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Starting from the httpsget example. I added the DigiCert Root CA to the source code and the example establishes the secure connection with and it all works. I changed the HOSTNAME and REQUEST_URI to the Google server I want to use and I get an SLNETERR_RET_CODE_FUNCTION_FAILED error returned by the call to SlNetSock_startSec() in httpclient.c.
This curl command does what I want from a Linux command line. I need to do the same from the MSP432 using the TI Network services.
curl ' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"email":"","password":"00xx00xx00xx00xx","returnSecureToken":true}'
We will look into it and get back to you ASAP. Please bear with us.
I found the problem. The Google servers pass a certificate that doesn't share the same root as the certificate used in the example. When I changed the certificate defined in httpsgethooks.c to the GlobalSign root cert, I was able to establish the secure connection.
I suggest improving the error reporting. Update the documentation to state that the FUNCTION_FAILED error is a result of invalid certificates, or better yet return a INVALID_CERT error.
Thank you for sharing the solution and your suggestions.
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