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I am using a MSP430-5529 for a USB project. We are trying to use a Windows7 64-bit as our CDC USB host (Virtual Com Port) using the MSP430_CDC.inf generated from the Descriptor tool. From what I understand you cannot run an unsigned driver on Windows7 64 (Windows7 32 lets you!?). Is there anyone out there using Windows7 64 as a CDC USB host? Does this mean we need to get the driver signed (whatever that means, I am not a Windows programmer)? Thoughts?
Thank you, Don
So nobody has this same issue??? I also believe that Vista 64-bit needs signed drivers. If we go through TI to get thier VID and a unique PID do they supply a signed driver?
I am using the 5529 Experimenters board with Windows 7 64 bit and am not having any issues with the demos. I am running the HidDemo. I did have to get the old demo [UsbApp.exe] that did not use Java, as I could not get the Java demo working on Windows 7 64 bit. [Even after installing JRE 1.7]
My original design was built on XP and used the MSP430FG4619 / TUSB3410 combination. It had a custom driver [.inf] file and required 2 driver installs. One for the USB, the second was for the serial port to create a Virtual COM port. It was more arduous to get it working with Windows 7.
In the next design, I want to get away from requiring a custom driver. I hope to find someone within the community that can help me understand how to make my device not require a custom driver. With what I have found out so far, the only way to do this is to adopt the HID model.
Does anyone know if there is a generic windows Virtual COM port that can be enumerated with?
Donald DeFord said:We are trying to use a Windows7 64-bit as our CDC USB host (Virtual Com Port) using the MSP430_CDC.inf generated from the Descriptor tool.
Did you actually try it out?
The .inf file is not a driver. It is a text file that gives Windows the information about what driver to use.
In the case of CDC/VCP, the .inf file tells Windows to use it's built-in driver (usbser.sys in windows\system32\drivers). So.... the driver is by default already installed and signed. It just needs to be associated with your device based on VID/PID.
Reply back if this doesn't work for you.
Just realized I was replying to a resurrected old thread....
BTW, hello from your old Harris colleagues. Is Jim Hill still over there at J&J?
You are correct about the .inf not being a driver. I was not sure how the software used the .inf, I just knew it was part of the driver device install process. I was hoping to get away from requiring the custom .inf file
Is there a method by which I can plug in my device and it just enumerate with the windows driver as a virtual com port and not require the custom .inf. Or is it possible to have the inf data be supplied by the device itself?
Are you aware of any Visual Studios C# examples that provide an API to communicate with a device?
The driver is part of Windows 7 64 bit. The .inf file just provides personality information [primarily the Vid and Pid] for your device. I was able to use the file generated by the Descriptor Tool.
I am using it with Windows7 64 and have no issues with the driver.
There are some quirks that I have not figured out yet and could use some direction. Every time I re-program my 5529, I can see in the device manager where the device goes away and comes back, but I am unable to connect to the device. I have to physically remove the usb cable, wait about 5 to 6 seconds and reconnect the usb cable before I can connect using either putty or hyperterminal.
Does anyone know how to make a reprogrammed device act as if it has been completely disconnected / reconnected?
The issue is that you need to make the device do a full disconnect/reconnect. I am not sure of the specifics of your circuit, but would suggest that you make sure the USB controller gets completely reset after reprogramming, so that the PC thinks the device was unplugged.
Hope that helps...
I agree completely with "The issue is that you need to make the device do a full disconnect/reconnect." .
I am running the C1_Example demo and I figured it would have taken care of that. It is doing some things right, in I see it disappear from Device Manager while it is being programmed, and it comes back when the code starts running.
This is not a big problem, just an annoyance. I am tired of plugging / unplugging every time I make changes to my code.
You can give your device an ID that isJim Carlson said:I was hoping to get away from requiring the custom .inf file
1) already known to Windows
2) from a compatible device (also using USBSER.SYS, with same parameters (if there are some)
3) not belongs to another device that is used by the customer.
Then Windows won't need your .INF file to know what to do.
1+2 shouldn't be a problem, 3 could.
Hi All,
I had this issue working with MSP430F5529 Experimenter kit with the user experiance examples of Terminal Echo and USB MicroSD.
when I was running these examples I would get in the Device Manager of Windows 7 under: Unknown device Virtual Com Port (CDC) with yellow !
To solve this issue you need to do 2 things:
1. download the latest Experimanter Board software from here:
2. connect the board via eZFET and run CCS 5 flashing the latest User Experience software (from MSP430Ware) to your white Experimenter board.
Note that older version of this software will show the issue. (to know that you are in the latest version in the main screen there is in the last line written *S1=Enter S2=Esc* in the older version it wasn't written.
3. Now after flashing the latest User Experience software disconnect the eZFET and connect the USB cable to the second plag make sure you change the switch to supply power from the USB now (it's not a must if you have 2 usb cable just connect the second cable). when you connect the USB cable go to Demo Apps in the menu. and then select Terminal Echo. once you done that you will see that it is not appears as it was looking for the Virtual Com Port (CDC) but for MSP430_F5529_UE_CDC.
4. Do now update driver in the device manager on the MSP430_F5529_UE_CDC select Browse my computer for driver software.
5. now you will only need to point it to the driver location that should be after installing the Experimenter Board software and installing it in: C:\ti\msp430\MSP-EXP430F5529_UE_1_30_00_00\src\Drivers
6. After the update of the driver it will appear under (COM & LPT) and you will get also COM number for example: MSP430_F5529_UE_CDC (COM7)
Now you all set and you CDC driver is installed on Windows 7
Good luck to all
Shai Aharonov
I am not having issues with CDC, it is with HID. I am looking for Visual Studios samples for working with HID.
Using CDC, the end user still has to have an .inf file. I want the end user to plug in to Windows machine and it self configure.
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