Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
Good day everyone,
I currently have TI LaunchPad kit with MSP430G2553 microcontroller. I want to have ultra low power consumption in Low Power Mode (since my power supply will be battery).
So far I have terminated I/O pins, and entered LPM4 as described online. But I am still having around 70 uA of current consumption. I was hoping to get to 0.1 uA as stated in datasheet of microcontroller.
My code is below, I have searched and tried some solutions, but none did work or made no difference. The code is made to light up LED for few seconds, and then to go to low power mode.
#include <msp430.h> /** * blink.c */ void main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // stop watchdog timer P1DIR = 0xFF; P1OUT = 0x00; P2DIR = 0xFF; P2OUT = 0x00; P3DIR = 0xFF; P3OUT = 0x00; P1OUT |= BIT0; // ON __delay_cycles(3000000); P1OUT &= ~BIT0; // OFF _low_power_mode_4(); }
If anyone maybe knows how to reduce power consumption even further, it would be really helpful