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I am currently using MSP-EXP432E401Y, with default power selection. Means I am using power from debug. Now I want to apply the power externally through 5V supply. Does it also require the 3.3V externally apart from the 5V? If you have any suggestion related to external power design than please share. Another thing is if I keep the power option on debug port not externally than if I want to drive the MOSFET gate in my circuit then is it possible with this power selection? Means, if I isolate the port pin through the opto and connect the MOSFET on the other side of the opto with board 5V then will it work smoothly? In my application I need to run 8 MOSFET so please reply accordingly.
Hi Kaushik
according to SimpleLink™ Ethernet MSP432E401Y MCU LaunchPad™ Development Kit User's Guide (Rev. B)
Only 4.75VDCto 5.25VDC is needed
Thanks Xiaodong,
look in the below pic of the datasheet. Which says if JP1 is in the left or middle position than externally provide the 3.3v to the board. I could not understood this sentence will you please elaborate?
Hi Kaushik
If JP1 is in the left or middle position, which selects the BoosterPack headers or the USB OTG connector, respectively, externally provide 3.3 V to the board, and remove the 3V3 jumper on J101.
The left position is for BoosterPack plug-in module power; this position also disconnects both USB voltages from the board’s primary 5-V input. In the left position, the TPS2052B does not limit current so additional care should be exercised.
According to the above description, I think the external 3.3V power supply is needed if JP1 is in the left.
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