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DRV8316REVM: How to reset, 3.3VBK doesn't light up anymore

Part Number: DRV8316REVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8316, LAUNCHXL-F280049C, DRV8305,


I've been sucessfully communicating with the drv8316 using SPI, I could read all the registers, unlock write, write to some registers. I'm powering the EVM using an 12V/15A power source source and I am communicating with it using a MCU.


I've noticed something weird: When I power-cycled the EVM board from the 12V source, the D3 led as well as the 3.3VBK LED would stay lit, **I had to unpower the MCU to make the leds shut down**.

That means it powers itself from the nCS pin!!!

I was trying different settings, including changeing the SDO_MODE to push-pull mode, power-cycling the device to restore default values.

Then the 3.3VBK led stoppe lighting up, and I could never communicate through SPI again.

I've just ordered a LAUNCHXL-F280049C with the pale hope to revive it, but really, I can't see how I could do anything wrong by just power-cycling and SPI-ing with the board.

I'm quite sad, I have no backup board.

Thank you!