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DRV8316REVM: Trouble getting universal motor control lab project running

Part Number: DRV8316REVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCF8316A, , LAUNCHXL-F280049C, DRV8316, TMS320F280025C, TMS320F280049C, LAUNCHXL-F280025C

After abandoning the MCF8316A due to continued frustrating issues I've decided to try the DRV8316R with InstaSPIN sensorless FOC code running on a C2000. I'm interested in trying both FAST and eSMO position estimation schemes.

I bought a DRV8316REVM and a LAUNCHXL-F280049C which I believe to be compatible with each other and with the Motor Control SDK based on reading the Motor Control SDK Universal Project and Lab document (SPRUJ26). I have followed the instructions there as best I could and am running into trouble getting the level 1 incremental build going. I have successfully imported the project into CCS, set the target configuration to LaunchPad, and the build configuration to Flash_lib_DRV8316RT. The only change I made to any of the files is setting DMC_BUILDLEVEL to DMC_LEVEL_1 in sys_settings.h. I am then able to build the project and it completes successfully with no errors.

I plug in the USB cable, supply 16V to the DRV8316 board, and hit debug in CCS. It proceeds through several steps then gets stuck on a loading bar labeled "GEL Expression: OnTargetConnect()". On the LaunchPad board LED3 comes on blue when I give it power, then LED2 comes on blue after I start the debug right before the GEL Expression bar pops up. I can't find any helpful resources on how to get past this.

It's probably relevant that the first time I tried to debug I got a message that the XDS110 needed a firmware update. I clicked update but it failed somehow and spit out a message about using the xdsdfu utility to flash the firmware. I went to C:\ti\ccs1200\ccs\ccs_base\common\uscif\xds110 and followed the instructions in the PDF, running the commands:

xdsdfu -m

xdsdfu -f firmware_3.0.0.20.bin -r

It appeared to work. Going back into CCS and trying to debug gives me the GEL Expression lockup I described above. If I hit cancel on that loading bar I get the following in the CCS console:

C28xx_CPU1: GEL: Error while executing OnTargetConnect(): Evaluation canceled
C28xx_CPU1: GEL Output: ... DCSM Initialization Start ...
C28xx_CPU1: GEL Output: ... DCSM Initialization Done ...
C28xx_CPU1: GEL Output: ... DCSM Initialization Start ...
C28xx_CPU1: GEL Output: ... DCSM Initialization Done ...
C28xx_CPU1: Warning: Failed unlocking device (zone 1) after reset.
C28xx_CPU1: Warning: Failed unlocking device (zone 2) after reset.
C28xx_CPU1: Error occurred during flash operation: Unable to get file info from algorithm
C28xx_CPU1: Error occurred during flash operation: No algorithm has been loaded in which to look up "_exit"
C28xx_CPU1: Error writing the init algorithm. Flash algorithm returned error code. Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: File Loader: Memory write failed: Unknown error
C28xx_CPU1: GEL: File: C:\Users\mtuell\workspace_v12\universal_motorcontrol_lab_f28002x\Flash_lib_DRV8316RT\universal_motorcontrol_lab_f28002x.out: Load failed.
C28xx_CPU1: Error occurred during flash operation: Unable to get file info from algorithm
C28xx_CPU1: Error occurred during flash operation: No algorithm has been loaded in which to look up "_exit"

It continues to have this behavior until I hard reset the LaunchPad board which puts it back to the GEL Expression lockup.

Am I doing something wrong? Did I mess up the firmware update and brick the LaunchPad? Is there an easier way to get this dev kit running? Maybe a GUI of some kind.

