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DRV8312: Selecting the correct gate driver

Part Number: DRV8312
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCT8316Z, MCT8316A, MCF8316A, DRV8316, DRV8329, DRV8328, DRV8300, DRV8306, MCT8316Z-Q1

We are required to drive a 3 phase 24V, 3.1A BLDC motor. It is a sensored motor with hall effect sensors built in. It is our understanding you can simply use PWM connected directly to FETs to drive the BLDC motor. It is our understanding that you can use a basic gate driver to interface between the low voltage from the microcontroller to the higher voltage required by the FETs. It is also our understanding you can instead use a more sophisticated gate driver to simplify the control done by the microcontroller. Is this understanding correct? Can a meeting be set up to discuss the most suitable solution?

  • Hi Michael,

    Our suggestion if motor peak current is 3.1A is to use an integrated MOSFET driver. Our newest integrated MOSFET drivers support up to 80W maximum power; higher motor powers generate too many MOSFET conduction power losses resulting in high thermals. If higher than 80W motor power, we suggest a gate driver so thermals are dissipated through external MOSFETs.

    Some devices have integrated control built in, so you do not need an MCU with 6x PWMs but rather a simple interface to provide 1x PWM or even control the motor through an interface such as an I2C or analog input. 

    Integrated MOSFET

    If you need a trapezoidal algorithm, best solution is MCT8316Z (sensored trapezoidal integrated MOSFET driver) or MCT8316A (sensorless trapezoidal integrated MOSFET driver)

    If you require sinusoidal, best options are MCF8316A (sensorelss FOC integrated MOSFET driver)

    If you require an external MCU, best option is DRV8316 (integrated MOSFET driver)

    All solutions support 24V up to 8A peak current. 

    Gate Driver

    Best recommendations are DRV8328, DRV8329, DRV8300 (low-cost 3-phase BLDC gate driver). These require an external microcontroller with 3x or 6x PWMs. 


    BLDC Selection Guide -

    Integrated MOSFET Thermal Calculator -

    Hope this helps,

  • Hi Aaron,

    Thank you for your response. We would be interested in the devices with integrated control built in which you refer to. Looking at the Gate drivers which connect to external MOSFETS as the power requirement is greater than 80W. 

    Looking at the three recommendations you provided (thank you) ALl of these required PWM control from a microcontroller. I will consider these options but are there any options which require a simple interface such as I2C or analogue input as you discussed?

    Are there any options which also allow the Hall effect sensors to be connected to the gate driver so that should the speed of the BLDC motor change due to a subtle change in the load, the PWM output from the gate driver will be corrected automatically?

    Thank you,


  • Hey Michael,


    Thank you for clarifying. We do not have any gate driver solutions with integrated control that uses less than 1xPWM.


    I might also recommend checking out DRV8306 that uses 1xPWM and hall sensor feedback to commutate the motor.


    Best Regards,


  • Hi Akshay,

    Using PWM to control the gate driver would be okay but do you have a sensored 3 phase gate driver which connects to external FETs and can control sinusoidal, trapezoidal or FOC wound BLDC motors? When searching, I have found some gate drivers (such as MCT8316Z-Q1) which is sensored and can control trapeziodal wound BLDC motors but I have been unable to find the same for a sinusoidal wound BLDC motor? Do you have a suggestion?

    Thank you,


  • Hey Michael,

    We do not have any sensored sinusoidal or FOC capable product. We recommend our sensorless FOC drivers such as MCF8316A if you are interested.

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Michael, 

    Can you let us know if the problem has been resolved? 

    Please let us know if further support is needed on this question. Thanks 

    Best Regards, 