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Hi Friends,
1. INHA,INLA,INHB,INLB,INHC and INLC six pwm is on gate high side and low side is perfect waveform.
2. INHA,INHB,INHC ON and INLA,INLB,INLC OFF the low side is no pwm but high side gate wave is starting with 10v .
GHA,GHB,GHC high side gate wavefom below:
GLA,GLB,GLC Low side waveform below:
3.INHA,INHB,INHC OFF and INLA,INLB,INLC ON the low side pwm is correct but high side pwm is coming why reason .
GHA,GHB,GHC high side gate wavefom below:
GLA,GLB,GLC Low side waveform below:
4. 120 degree phase shift wave form is not identify i upload low side gate and high side gate wave form
5. drv8353rs is default value
register 2 =0x0000
register 3 =0x03FF
register 4 =0x07FF
register 5 =0x016D
register 6 =0x0283
register 7 =0x0000
any register value are change tell meee.
5. drv8353rs high side gate waveform upload and low side gate waveform upload mee
Thanks Regards,
Hi VJ.Pandi,
Thank you for posting to the Motor Drivers forum!
Unfortunately, I did not get to look at this today, but I will get back to you with a response shortly.
Hi VJ.Pandi,
When you say that INHx/INLx is on, do you mean that it is set to '1' (or high)? And when INHx/INLx is off, that it is set to '0' (or low)?
If not, could you clarify what you mean when you say INHx/INLx is on/off?
Hi Alicia Rosenberger,
question no 2
INHx =1 (ON) and INLx =0 (OFF) it' s wave form is shift
Hi VJ.Pandi,
For Fault Status Register 1 (0x00h) and Fault Status Register 2 (0x01h), what values are you getting?
Hi Alicia Rosenberger,
getting value is drv8353,
Register 0 = 0x0000
Register 1 = 0x0000
register 2 =0x0000
register 3 =0x03FF
register 4 =0x07FF
register 5 =0x016D
register 6 =0x0283
register 7 =0x0000
Hi VJ.Pandi,
When you are measuring GHx, where exactly are you probing?
Hi Alicia,
drv8353rs output pin three high side pins are measured
Hi VJ.Pandi,
What kind of probe are you using to measure GHx?
Because the high side gate (GHx) is referenced to the switch node and not ground, in order to get the most accurate measurement, a differential probe is needed.
Hi VJ.Pandi,
The reason why you are seeing a 10V offset in GHx is because GHx is referenced to the switch node and not ground. Using a differential probe for GHx should correct this.
Hi Alicia,
Best differential probe link send me
Then question no 3 answer mam question in bottom please check.
Hi VJ.Pandi,
While the differential probe will allow for you to account for the GHx output as it floats at VM supply voltage due to LS MOSFET being off, you do not necessarily need one as this behavior is expected.
Regarding your third question, I will aim to provide a response by the end of the week.
Hi VJ.Pandi,
Here is a website that compare various differential probes that you can choose from as the kind of differential probe that you use depends on your bench setup and your testing needs:
Throughout your whole setup, have you noticed the nFault pin pulling low?
Hi VJ.Pandi,
To answer your third question, when the high side FET is OFF, GHx is shorted to SHx, which is why you are seeing the behavior that you are, to ensure that the high side FET Vgs is 0V.
Hi, Alicia,
I agree with u, but the DRV8353 datasheet says, that when the INHx and INLx both are in 0 states the GHx and GLx that also in 0 states only. SHx is HiZ state. why is this datasheet saying that? The datasheet has to tell GHx also the HiZ state.
Hi VJ.Pandi,
I will aim to provide feedback by the end of the week.
Hi VJ.Pandi,
when the INHx and INLx both are in 0 states the GHx and GLx that also in 0 states only. SHx is HiZ state. why is this datasheet saying that?
The reason that the datasheet specifies this is because GHx is referenced with respect to SHx.