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Part Number: DRV8256

モーターに流れる電流を0.051Ωの検出抵抗を使ってMCUADConverterを使って取り込みたいと考えています。GNDの前に抵抗をいれるLow Side OKでしょうか?


  • Hello,

    Apologies but I do not understand the Japanese language. I translated your question to english:

    I want to incorporate the current into a motor with a 0.051-Ω sense resistor using ADConverter in an MCU. Is it OK with the low side resistor before GND?

    You want to capture the current through the motor using an ADC inverter on an MCU with a 0.051-Ω sense resistor. Is it OK to place the resistor on the low side before GND?

    Below is my response:

    It is possible to add sense resistor between the IC GND and the common GND on your hardware. The main restriction is that the voltage drop between the resistor should not exceed 0.3V. 0.3V is the minimum voltage at the logic input pins. \

    I hope this answers your question. 


    Pablo Armet

  • Dear Pablo Armet

    Thanks, your response.

    What I want to do is connect a current sense resistor of 0.051Ω to the low side and measure the current flowing through the motor with the ADC of the MCU.

    Specifically, I would like to put 0.051Ω between PGND and GND and measure the voltage between PGND and GND with the ADC of the MCU.

    I would like to send a circuit diagram, please tell me how to operate it.

    Best regards 


  • Hi Masahiro Suzuki,

    You can share the diagram via private message. Place your mouse over my name and click on "send private message". Anything you share is private and not public.


    Pablo Armet

  • Hello Masahiro Suzuki,

    I reviewed your schematic and provided feedback via private message. I will close this thread and mark it as resolved. If you require further support, let's continue in private message.


    Pablo Armet