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MCF8316AEVM: Unable to read registers or start motor

Part Number: MCF8316AEVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MCF8316A

Hi All,

I have received my dev board today but I can't seem to get it to do anything. Using the installed and web gui I have been able to connect to the board but I am not able to read any registers or control motor (via pot or I2C) override. I have also tried on linux and windows with the same results.

Any ideas or is my dev board DOA? I don't have anything to flash board with atm will have to go digging for an old MSP430 dev board as that's all I can think of trying,


  • Hi Steve,

    When you connect to the board, does it say "Hardware connected" at the bottom of the screen? When you try to read or write registers, what does the GUI show as an error message?

    As a first step, you could try clicking the "Find Address" button under I2C controls on the right side of the screen.



  • It does show hardware connected. When trying to read/write I just get anything. Nothing in the logs, occasionally I will get a pop up saying it failed but its not repeatable.

    I2C target address is detected as 0x0 which doesn't seem correct given its meant to default to 0x01.

    Despite mashing the read all registers button

    0,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:18:50,info,Application started.
    1,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:02,editor:format-indent-decrease,: Connecting to TI Cloud Agent...
    2,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:06,editor:format-indent-decrease,: Connected to TI Cloud Agent.
    3,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:06,editor:format-indent-decrease,my_transport: Connecting to target ...
    4,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:10,editor:format-indent-decrease,my_transport: connecting to COM4:9600
    5,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:11,editor:format-indent-decrease,my_transport: verifying connection...
    6,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:11,info,DRVMCF_GUI-Q1 EVM connected
    7,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:11,editor:format-indent-decrease,my_transport: Hardware Connected.
    8,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:20,help-outline,
    9,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:27,help-outline,
    10,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:29,help-outline,
    11,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:19:42,help-outline,
    12,Wed Aug 16 2023,9:21:16,help-outline,

  • Approximately 5 minutes later I got some debug messages saying it read registers. Came back and saw them in the log. Something wrong with 1.1.9 version of GUI?

    Wed Aug 16 2023
    Read 2 registers.
  • Hi Steve,

    I will check these errors and get back to you by the end of this week.



  • Hi Steve,

    Could you probe the SCL, SDA, DVDD and AVDD pins as close to the MCF8316A as possible and provide this capture?

