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DRV8703-Q1: How can I disable DRV8703-Q1 VDS overcurrent protection function?

Part Number: DRV8703-Q1

When I try to operate DRV8703-Q1 to make output current 1[A] on condition of 24[V] Power supply voltage

VDS overcurrent fault is detected.(Fault status register = 10010000b, under about 22[V] is fine)


But I want to operate DRV8703-Q1 without VDS overcurrent protection function. It prevent me can't control desired current on condition of normal VM

according to datasheet, set '1' to whole DIS_XX_VDS field to disable VDS overcurrent protection function but it still operating.

(I expect If I set DIS_H1_VDS field as '1',  H1_VDS flag must not be set)

VDS(OCP) fault detection threshold is already MAX(VDS bit field == 111b), It can't be set more higher


How can I disable DRV8703-Q1 VDS overcurrent protection function?

Variables in below capture image have each registers value.(on condition of 24[V] Power supply voltage and 1[A] output)

(e.g : TEST_VDS_READ variable have 'VDS' register value, TEST_VDS_AND_GDF_READ variable have 'VDS and GDF' register value, RR/RL/FR/FL is different channel respectively)


  • Hello,

    As you mention, you can disable the VDS sensing, but there is no way to disable another protection mechanism that will also flag the "OCP" bit.  See below in the datasheet:

    If the voltage delta between SP and SN exceeds the below specification, the OCP bit will also be flagged.

    Please check for this condition.  It is likely the cause of your issue.

