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DRV8220: To drive a single Coil Relay using DRV8220

Part Number: DRV8220

Hi ,

1)I would like to use this DRV8220 to drive a 12 V Latching relay ( Single Coil )  with about  12V/100mA   at 100ms. Relay  Turn ON ( Coil in fwd direction) and OFF ( Col in Reverse Direction)

Do you foresee any issue?

2) any recomended protection For Out1 and Out2  during the Relay Turn OFF ( The surge from the Relay Coil)

  • Hi Lee,

    There should be no issue using the DRV8220 to drive a single coil solenoid. 

    Using either a freewheeling diode or a clamping diode will assist with the dissipation of energy stored in the solenoids inductance during the FETs off time. The difference between these two solutions is decay speed.

    More information on driving solenoids with motor drivers and freewheeling and clamping diodes can be found in the application note below: 

