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DRV11873: Reliable startup with 9v battery power?

Part Number: DRV11873


I'm trying to use a 9v battery to power a hard drive disc motor with DRV11873 plus a 555 timer and LM391 rectifier. 

-I'm finding more reliable startup with a 5400mwh rechargeable 9v battery than a non-rechargeable one.

-A regular 9v battery will usually make the motor make stuttering sounds upon startup.

-I've tried many different resistors for CS and the three COM resistors. I think I landed at 3.3k for CS and 2.2k for the three COM resistors to give better startup results.

-I have FS going to 5v via a 10k resistor. 

-100k going to FG and 100k going to RD.

Are there any recommendations to get better behavior from a regular 9v battery? 

Thank you!