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DRV8312-69M KIT

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE, TMDSCNCD28035ISO, TMS320F28035, TMS320F28069

I just purchased the DRV8312-69M kit . How do I use trapezoidal sensored control to run the motor. When I say sensored control system I am referring to using Hall effect sensors. Do I just plug in the connector? and what interface do I need to do in order to run this ?

  • It would be easiest to purchase TMDSCNCD28035ISO and use the BLDC Sensored project on controlSUITE. 

    However, you can also use the same project, and right click and change Build Configuration to the F2896x + you will have to add IQMath.lib to your project as you have the 69M controlCARD which has replaced the IQMATH.LIB in ROM with the InstaSPIN libraries. 

  • Thomas,

    DRv8312-69M kit has J10 header to interface the hall sensors. If you are not aware please install Control-suite from TI website :

    Control suite provides comprehensive collection of Software libraries/projects and hardware schematics for C2000 based MCU product line.

    Depending upon installation directory of control-suite in your PC, refer to:

    \controlSUITE\development_kits\DRV8312-C2-KIT_v128\~DRV8312EVM-HWdevPkg  for schematic. In the same folder, you will find CCS project  for BLDC_Sensored  for Hall based trapezoidal control for TMS320F28035 device.

    I am not sure if this project can be used with TMS320F28069 control card comes with DRv8312-69M. I suggest you to get it clarified from Insta-spin forum at:

    Best Regards
