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I am new at brushless motors. I have started to learn by acquiring DRV8312-69M Kit. I am able to use it with Instaspin-Motion software without any problem.
I would like use kit with matlab. I installed C2000 hardware support and made required configuration.
I use supplied c28069pmsmfoc_ert example with sensorless and speed request from constant value options. When I click on "Build" button it compiles .out file and loads it into hardware.
*** Starting debug session...
*** Debug Session Name: Texas Instruments XDS100v1 USB Emulator_0/C28xx
*** Board Name: Texas Instruments XDS100v1 USB Emulator_0
*** CPU Name: C28xx
*** Connecting to target...
*** Loading the program to the target...
*** Program is running.
*** Disconnecting from target...
*** Terminating debug session...
After loading copiled .out file into target hardware motor does not rotate, completely locks itself and makes high frequency noise.
I tried sensored mode with connecting hall cables, changing motor parameters (using telco motor so I think I dont need to change parameters) but nothing changed the result.
I checked model parameters, configuration settings, motor wiring but nothing really helped.
What could be the problem?
I'm glad you were able to use InstaSPIN-MOTION to get your motor spinning.
I'm not too familiar with the MATLAB setup, but one thing to look at especially with sensored motor control is to make sure that the motor phases are connected in the correct order. For the motor that comes with the DRV8312-69M-kit I believe the order is as follows:
Yellow -> A
Red -> B
Black -> C
I have done wiring as you stated.
There is an interesting fact that TI library gives another motor driving example which uses CLA.
The example given abow works perfectly which means that my motor wiring, hall effect wiring, matlab configuration, compiler settings are correct.
However example given below locks the motor both in sensored or sensorless driving mode as I stated in the first post.
I compared 2 models and they are differ in Space Vector Generator yet I dont know if it is source of problem.
You need to contact Mathworks for help with this problem. This is their tool & SW, not TI's.
Here is their TI Piccolo landing page
I checked mathworks forums for answer. I found the solution. I changed Configuration Parameters =>Coder Target => Linker command file => c28068M.cmd