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WSON-8 conversion board?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8837, DRV8837EVM, DRV8838

I want to evaluate the DRV8837, but the WSON-8 is so small.

TIs development board has its own uC and software, I need to use mine.

Does anyone make a WSON-8 to DIP board (with suggestions on how to put the chip on it)?

Thanks, K.Sargent 

  • Hi Kevin,

    If you remove R3 and R4 from the DRV8837EVM you can then use TP1 and TP2 to supply your own control signals to the DRV8837.

    nSLEEP can be controlled by supplying an external signal to JP2.

    If you'd like to supply a different VCC voltage you can remove both REG1 and R5, this will isolate the VCC net so that only the DRV8837 is connected.

    There are also adapter boards available for WSON-8 to DIP conversion through various distributors.
  • Hi Kevin,

    The DRV8837EVM can be modified to allow external control. Please refer to the schematic. R3, R4, and R5 can be removed.

    If you prefer to use a wson to dip board, I suggest you search online for a conversion board.
  • Thanks for fast responses.
    I'd prefer to find adapter boards in lieu of buying more than I want and modifying.
    I have searched well over a hour for boards without success (obviously).

    I'd appreciate a couple distributor names.
    Manufacturer & p/n would help, I can find where to buy.
    I use Mouser & Digi-Key a lot, Newark, Allied some.
    No solutions from them...

    Thanks, Kevin Sargent
  • Hi Kevin,

    There are several companies that offer a similar product. Search for DRV8838 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier

    The DRV8838 has the same number of pins, but the two inputs pins function differently.
  • Thanks again, I like the 38 but Mouser has only the 37, I can use either one (I write the swre).
    The word "carrier" is what missed, and searches can be real specific. TNX, Kevin Sargent
  • Thanks again, "carrier" led me to Exactly what I was looking for.