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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I'm a very beginner user of CCS and launchpads.
I have a BOOST-DRV8711 boosterpack connected to the MSP-EXP430G2 launchpad.
It seems I can download the project to the MSP430G2553, but finally it can not work together with the provided GUI.
It seems the COM port and the speed is properly identified/set up, but the GUI can not find the device, and the red Xs are remaining.
I guess there is no connection with the micro?
Because of all of the above symptoms, I can not even make sure that the hardware work at all....
Please help how to resolve the issue.
Hi Zsolt,
The MSP430G2553 is not being recognized. Is the launchpad COM4? Please check the com ports and confirm there are no other similar USB devices.
Have you re-tried per the user guide:
After a successful launch of the BOOST-DRV8711_GUIvX.X.exe, Figure 11 pops up. It may take a small period of time before the GUI connects and the GUI Widgets populate (red X's appear on the widgets while the GUI is connecting). If the GUI does not load after a few minutes (the X’s disappear), a connection issue may have occurred and TI recommends restarting the application.
Hi Rick,
Your quick response is really appreciated.
Well, yes, it has been checked, the COM4 is correct, this is the only COM port, also in the windows device manager.
Also, the GUI has been restarted several times, without any change.
The Launchpad and the micro is working. I have tried a very basic LED blinking sample program from Energia, without problem.
I tried to use CCS version 5.5.0 and 7.3.0 also to build the DRV8711 sample project to see if there is any difference, but the symptoms are the same.
One more thing. I have realized a warning in the CCS IDE.
Please see below. I'm not sure if it is a problem, or not, or connected to the GUI issue.
Thank you.
Hi Rick,
Yes, I have tried power cycle the mcu by disconnecting the usb and connecting it again.
Also I tried push the reset button.
No change.
Based on the screenshot i previously sent you it seems the mcu try to send some characters to the GUI, but it expect something different. "expected 0xc2, received 0x2" Right?
Thank you,
Hi Rick,
If I try method 1, i got two errors.
The first, when I try to connect to the target (Fig. 8 in the instruction)
The second error I got, when I try to load the program, according to Fig. 9.
Please see below:
So this way, practically no compilation.
The files are the original ones.
Please see attached.
Thanks for your continuous support.
Hi Rick,
Is there any additional ideas? How can I go further, how can I resolve the issues experienced by using method 1?