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DRV8350: DRV835x sample schedule & Automotive version plan

Part Number: DRV8350


My customer has the interest about DRV835x series. They want to get the answer to following questions.

Q1. When is the sample available about DRV835x?
Q2. Do you have the automotive version plan? If yes, could you let me know the sample available schedule?



  • Yusuke,

    Which DRV835x are they asking about?
    DRV8350RH & DRV8350RH – These have RTM’ed and hence they can get the samples by entering a production order.

    For other parts: DRV8350RH & DRV8350RH; DRV8353RH & DRV8353RS and DRV8353H & DRV8353S, they are not RTM'ed yet. But, the samples could be available. Let us have an offline discussion to share more info about those unleased parts. Would you send me an email ( to talk about it?