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I am wondering whether a gate driver like DRV8343-Q1 or DRV8340-Q1 can drive MOSFETs to a current up to 40A or higher?
What determines whether a gate driver can drive 6 MOSFETs for a high current to 40A or higher? Is it based on total gate charge of QgTOT of MOSFET, or gate driver current? DRV8343-Q1 datasheet says it provides 1.5 mA to 1A peak source current and 3 mA to 2A peak sink current.
Another question is that whether DRV8343-Q1 or DRV8349-Q1 can be used for sensorless sinusoidal drive BLDC motor? If yes, how to implement?
Thanks for posting on the MD forum!
The DRV does not source or sink the 40A current through the bridge. Similar to other half bridge designs, the DRV will control the FETs which will flow the 40A+ out to the motor.
The gate driver current is only used to turn the bridge FETs ON or OFF. The reason we have up to 2A available here is to control FETs that need a fast rise time or have high amount of gate capacitance.
The gate drive strength is adjustable so that the slew rate of the FET gate and the resulting switch node Vds is controlable which will help reduce EMI/ringing/oscillation on the outputs.
Please see our Gate Drive strength FAQ here: