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DRV8303: The driver A phase output is abnormal

Part Number: DRV8303

Dear TI expert,

          I was using DRV8303 to drive a high speed PMSM with low inductance recently. The supply voltage is 28V. The drive board circuits is designed according to the  TIDA-00285 design. The board could work at first. However as the current increases, the drv8303 works abnormally. So I check the input and output PWM signals of DRV8303. The pwm of B phase and C phase is OK, while the Pwm of A phase is abnormal. Here is the test picture. The red is motor current. The yellow is GH_A signal. And The green is input pwm1A H which should be synchronous with  GH_A. However, for some reson, they are not. It is every werid which tortured us about four weeks. Please help us.

Here is the signals.