Hello everyone !
I am currently working on integrating a DRV8801 into a design for driving a low-impedance, brushed DC motor at around 12V. I would like to use the VpropI output to get current readings but I have been unfortunate in doing so.
I have followed the data sheet's recommended RF filter at the VpropI output and am reading it with an ADC. The value I am reading is correctly converted from ADC to voltage value ; but once I divide the voltage by 5 to get the current value (since VpropI = 5 x Iwinding), the value I get is about 20 times bigger than the actual current value.
For instance, using an Rsense of about 24 Ohm (current limit at about 21mA) and using a 940 Ohm resistor between OUT+ and OUT-, the reading I am expecting is around 13mA. My power supply shows I'm using 15mA, and the ADC reading I am getting, by reading the voltage at VpropI (1.509V) and dividing it by 5 (0.3018V), is exactly 20 x 15mA...
I hope I am clear. Am I missing something in the datasheet ?
Thanks a lot in advance, any help is welcome.