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LMR14020-Q1: Using LMR14020SDDAR as P2P replacement to LMR14020SSQDDARQ1

Part Number: LMR14020-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMR14020,

Hi team,

My customer is considering to use LMR14020SDDAR (catalog version) in place of LMR14020SSQDDARQ1 due to shortages. Besides lack of spread spectrum, is there any physical or electrical differences between these ICs that would prevent using the catalog part as a drop-in replacement, assuming the customer is OK to take the risk of NOT having spread spectrum option and Q100 version in their automotive application?  

I did not see any significant spec differences, but noticed some minor differences the RT values vs. Fsw in Table 1 of the data sheets.  Is there a difference in the IC that caused the RT values to differ between the catalog and Q100 parts?  Any other BOM change needed aside from changing the IC?

I’d really appreciate a prompt response as my customer is in urgent need to approve the catalog part as an alternate source.   

Thank you,


  • Hi Alan,

    The internal structure is the same for catalog part and Q100 part. There is some difference between the datasheets regarding Table 1 and frequency calculation formula, that is because we released LMR14020-Q1 later than LMR14020, and we have done more test to make the formula more precious. You don't need change the bom.



  • The internal structure is the same for catalog part and Q100 part.

    If internal structure is the same, how does the Q100 part have spread spectrum option and the catalog part does not?  If you meant the die is the same, are there other physical differences (maybe bond wire connections) to enable spread spectrum in the Q100 part, or any other differences (leadframe, die attach material, etc.)?


  • Customer accepted the alternate so we can close this.