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BQ24072T: operational temperature

Part Number: BQ24072T

what is operational temperature of BQ24072T? In datasheet there is information that absolute maximum temperature is -40 to 150 and operational is 0 to 125, the diffrence is quite big, isnt that mistake?
The information in table, during part search, is that operational temperature is -40 to 125, whats more BQ24072R, which is almost same charger, has operational temperature -40 to 125. So which values are valid? 

Thanks in advance,

  • Hi Pawel, 

    For the BQ24072T the absolute temperature range listed of -40 C to 150 C indicates if the device is operated outside of said range the IC may get permanent damage. When the datasheet states the operational range is up to 125 C this is because of the thermal regulation feature. Thermal regulation monitors the die temperature and stops normal operation  by reducing charge current when the temperature rises above 125 C and shuts down the device if temperature reaches 150 C.

    Both devices you mention have been tested to operate down to -40 C, but the minimum temperature a Li-Ion battery should be charged at is 0 C. These reasons are why the recommended operational temperature range is 0 C to 125 C, but the absolute maximum range in -40 C to 150 C. 

