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TPS54386:Raspberry Pi powers off while booting

Part Number: TPS54386

Hello TI

If you connect the Raspberry Pi 5V line to SW1 of the TPS54386, it turns off after 2-3 seconds.

The 12V supply is supplied by the power supply and is displayed on the power supply.
The current turns off when it reaches about 0.4~0.5.

If you supply 5V power directly to the Raspberry Pi 4 as a power supply, you can see that it uses about 0.4A~0.6A when booting.

  • Hi,

    Tahar will help support this soon.



  • Hi, Seo

    1. "If you connect the Raspberry Pi 5V line to SW1 of the TPS54386, it turns off after 2-3 seconds.

    [Zhao] Do you have waveforms of Vout1, inductor current? 

    I think IC would trigger OC limit and trigger UVP, you can refer "8.3.17 Output Overload Protection" in the datasheet. 

    2. "The 12V supply is supplied by the power supply and is displayed on the power supply. The current turns off when it reaches about 0.4~0.5.

    [Zhao] confirm with you, IC cannot output loading > 0.5A, right? Usually, it is caused by bad layout. 

    I review the layout file, the GND trace is narrow and not good. 

    a. green circle is VIAs, please place more VIAs on GND trace. 

    b. please note the green rectangular highlight, make the GND trace strong for D5 and D6. 

    After this modification, test again to check if there is any improvement. 

  • c. Add more VIAs on GND for D5 and D6.