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BQ24765: Detailed Design Steps and Design Tool for BQ24765

Part Number: BQ24765

We were checking for the detailed design procedure in BQ24765 battery charger data sheet. The data sheet section 9.2.2 Detailed Design Procedure says as below: 

The parameters are configurable using the evaluation software, SLVC309. The simplified application circuit (see Figure 17) shows the minimum capacitance requirements for each pin. Inductor, capacitor, and MOSFET selection are explained in the rest of this section.

1. We downloaded the SLVC309 software by clicking on the Hyperlink in data sheet. But we are not able to install the same. The installation throws error as 'invalid line in setup information file'. Is there any working design software tool available for BQ24765

2. If no design software tool available, is there any excel based design sheet available for BQ24765

3. The data sheet then mentions as ‘Inductor, capacitor, and MOSFET selection are explained in the rest of this section’. But we don’t see any such explanation about the components selection / calculations given in the data sheet. Is there any document available which explains the detailed design steps for BQ24765?


Thomas CN