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BQ40Z50: BQ40Z50

Part Number: BQ40Z50


there are some question on BQ40Z50, it's a 20000mAh 65W power bank application(4S battery cell),

1. after we do the voltage calibration, we find only cell 1 volatfe was correct, cell2/cell3/cell4 voltage is uncorrect on BQ40Z50, there is about 0.2V gap with cell actual voltage. and we have measured the voltage on cell pad and IC pin PAD, The voltage is normal, may us know what's possible reason.

2. BQ40Z50 first waked from shipmode,  how many  factors will impact the RSOC,and  how to the charge process to tune the capacity calculation, if need charge to 100% to trigger the tune, if not 100%, what's the trigger limit.

also how to the discharge process to tune the capacity calculation,if need discharge to 0% to trigger the tune, if not 100%, what's the trigger limit.

look forward your reply,

BR, Thanks.