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LP87524-Q1: LP87524

Part Number: LP87524-Q1

Is it possible to operate LP87524 with external frequency of 800KHz? As per datasheet iis is recommended to operate with frequency from 1MHz to 24MHz. In case yes, what will the effect on performance 

  • Hello,

    Nominal frequency should be in the 1MHz...24MHz window. Clock frequency should be set in the registers accordingly. External clock frequency can have variation -30%/+10% to be detected and used correctly, if it is outside the window internal clock is used instead. 

    So it would be possible to set the frequency to 1MHz and run it at 800kHz. The SW frequency would be 20% lower than nominal in this case. 



    Tomi Koskela

  • Thanks Tomi....

    So you mean on setting internal freq. to 1 MHz we can provide external clock at 800KHz. Is this correct? If yes, what will be the effect on output performance.

  • Hi,

    Yes that is correct since it would still be within the -30% tolerance of the 1MHz setting. Note that at 700kHz it would switch to internal clock automatically, so the external clock tolerance needs to be considered as well. No other effect on the output performance other than the SW frequency would be 20% lower. That has to be considered from the application point of view would it cause issues for example EMI etc. 



    Tomi Koskela