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TL1431: What is Idiv in the calculator ?

Part Number: TL1431

Hello to all,

I just checking the calculator for the TL1431, there is some fields for input:

Did not found anything about the last thing - Idiv/Iref. Iref max = 10 mA, Iref nominal ~1,5...3 uA, those I found in the datasheet. But what is Idiv ? Its not mentioned in the datasheed. Probably its resistive divider current ? Why is this parameter "selectable" ?

Best wishes for the new 2022!


  • Hi Dainius,

    Idev/Irefis not really a datasheet spec it is a ratio between the Idev(current  through R2/R3) / Iref. For example a Idev/Iref ratio of 1000 of TL1431 is going to be 1000 * Iref(max) = 1000 * 4uA (TL1431Q) = 4mA through R2 + R3. 

    The output of the device is Vout = Vref *(1+R2/R3) + R2*iref. So if you make your Idev/Iref ratio large, it will make R2 large which can impact the output voltage and current consumption so R1 will be scaled appropriately.