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TPS53316: Vin to SW spike

Part Number: TPS53316


Please see below waveform and test point, customer probe Vin to SW and observe max 7.56V.

I see Vin spec max is 7V in datasheet. Is the test result acceptable?

  • Hello Jim,

    When it comes to SW node voltage, most of the times spec mentioned in the datasheet is DC value. After considering the AC spec, If the rest of the overshoot in voltage is <10V and last for less than 10ns generally (for this device <20ns mentioned in the datasheet, also added the screenshot), then it should be fine. The below screenshot can help you understand it more. But how to properly measure the SW node voltage is mentioned in the following paper and this paper is also elaborating the absolute max. rating of SW pin: 

    I am just wondering why you are probing from Vin to SW? (What exactly you want to check?) 

    Thanks and Best Regards,


  • Hello Jim,

    Do you have any other question? Otherwise please free to close this thread by clicking on resolved button.

    Thanks and Best Regards,


  • Hello Jim,

    I am closing this thread. If you have any further question, open it by commenting below.

    Thanks and Best Regards,
