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LM43601: migration from LM43601 to LM43602/ LM43602A ?

Part Number: LM43601


a)Assuming that you have an existing PCB validated with LM43601PWPR (max Iout 1A).
Can it be replaced by LM43602QPWPRQ1 or LM43602AQPWPRQ1 (max Iout 2A):
-without any changes in the schematics (ie change of passive around it)?
-without any PCB change or rework?

b)What is the difference between LM43602QPWPRQ1 (marked as NRND) and LM43602AQPWPRQ1?
Are there some specific errata associated with LM43602QPWPRQ1 that would require some schematics/PCB changes to use it instead of LM43601PWPR ?

Thanks in advance!,



  • Hello

    The big differences between the 1A and 2A devices are the various current limit values.

    Moving from 1A to 2A, you will need to ensure that your inductor is rated for the higher current limit; in this case from 4.5A to 5A, or so.

    This will prevent damage to the system should your lower current inductor saturate during a fault condition.

    Regarding the difference between the A and non-A versions, I will speak with the product engineer about that and get back to you as soon

    as possible.


  • Hi Frank,

    The use case is to move from the 1A IC (ie43601) to the 2A IC (ie 43602) and the max current will still be 1A (so no plan to src more current than with 43601).
    The reason for asking is that customer was able to find some 43602 so he wants to be sure to be able to use it on a PCB made for 43601 (at max 1A).
    -Can it be used without any PCB/schematic changes ?

    -Then what are the changes that have been done between 43602 vs 43602A?
    And is it relevant if you want to use 43602 in place of an 43601?

    Thanks in advance,


  • Hello

    As I mentioned, the issue arises during a fault condition.  

    If the output is shorted, then the inductor current is equal to the current limit, regardless of load current.

    Under those conditions your inductor should be rated for the current limit of the 2A device.

    Otherwise the two regulators are compatible.

    Please see the attached for details of the difference between the A and non-A versions.

