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TPS3808: TPS3808G01 vs TPS3808G01-Q1

Part Number: TPS3808
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS3899,


I would like you to confirm difference b/w TPS3808G01QDBVRQ1 and TPS3808G01DBVR.
I believed that difference is whether AEC-Q100 certification is received or not.
However, I noticed that there is following difference b/w both datasheet.

TPS3808G01DBVR (no Q100)
* Recommended operating conditions for "Vsense" and "MRn" : Max value is defined "6.5V"

TPS3808G01QDBVRQ1 (Q100)
* Recommended operating conditions for "Vsense" and "MRn" : Max value is defined "VDD"

And there is no definition for Vct and Vresetn voltage for recommended operating conditions of Q100 product.

Then, I have following questions.

Q1, Is the difference about above typo of datasheet of Q100 product ?
Q2, Is my understanding that difference b/w TPS3808G01QDBVRQ1 and TPS3808G01DBVR is only whether AEC-Q100 certification is received or not correct ?

Best Regards,

  • Hello Ryuichi,


    Q1: I would not call this a typo. This is just a style difference between how the datasheet was written. But in either case max value is 6.5V.

    Q2:  TPS3808G01QDBVRQ1 has undergone full AECQ-100 testing and qualification.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hello Masoud

    Thank you for your reply.
    For Q2.
    I believed that this device has undergone full AECQ-100 testing and qualification.
    What I want you to confirm is whether difference b/w these two deivces is only above or not.
    Could you please confirm about this ?


  • Hello Ryuichi,

    There may be manufacturing and testing differences between these devices as well. We do not publish these details.

    Thanks for the follow up question.


  • Hello Masoud,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Final question, 
    Q3, Is there no problem using TPS3808G01QDBVRQ1 instead of TPS3808G01DBVR ?
    If you have any concern, please let me know.


  • Hello Ryuichi,

    There are no concerns at all with using TPS3808G01QDBVRQ1 instead of TPS3808G01DBVR.

    By the way we recently introduce the next generation device which is TPS3899. TPS3899 offers a number of new features:

    • Operates down to 0.85V
    • 50% lower supply current @125nA
    • 50x lower sense pin current @25nA
    • Half the size @2mm2
    • Sense Delay capability

    Good luck with your design!

  • Hello Masoud,

    Sorry, I have additional question for following answer.

    - 1 -
    >There are no concerns at all with using TPS3808G01QDBVRQ1 instead of TPS3808G01DBVR.

    According to datasheet, min value of VDD is also different.
    min value of TPS3808 with non Q1 is defined 1.7V and min value of TPS3808 with Q1 is defined 1.8V

    If user use 1.7V with TPS3808 with non Q1, then can NOT user implement TPS3808 with Q1 instead of  TPS3808 with non Q1 ?

    - 2 -
    Let me confirm about below.
    According to TPS3808 with non Q1, "tw" is defined as "Input pulse width to Resetn".
    On the other hand, according to TPS3808 with Q1, "tw" is defined as "Maximum transient duration".

    Spec is same but definition is different. could you please tell me which value "tw" show ?


  • Hello Ryuichi,,

    Each device is characterized separately and as such there may be minor differences in some spec items as reflected in data sheet. Also there may be a difference between how each writer captured description for a line item in the spec, such as tw. In general this is not a concern but you need to verify it in your designs. 

  • Hello Masoud


    Previously you said as shown below, but let me reconfirm as show below.

    >There may be manufacturing and testing differences between these devices as well. We do not publish these details.
    Q. I just let you confirm about following question.

    * Are TPS3808G01QDBVRQ1 and TPS3808G01DBVR used same die ?


  • Hello Ryuichi,

    As mentioned before, we do not publish manufacturing and testing details of our products in this forum.

    Thank you for your understanding.