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TPS3899: Internal resister value on RESET Assert, and MAX output voltage on Vdd=5V.

Part Number: TPS3899
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV758P,


On the datasheet of TPS3899DL, when Vdd=3.3V, IRESET(Sink)=2mA, Output Voltage is MAX 300mV.  So MAX internal resistor is 300mV/2mA=150ohm.  Is it correct?

Also, How about Vdd=5.0V?   Could you please let us know MAX Output Voltage under the Vdd=5.0V, IRESET(Sink)=xxx?

My customer wants quick wake-up by reducing pull-up resister value on TPS3899DL.  However, he worries about the following topics.  That is why he is asking.

  • Power-consumption on TPS3899DL, due to his system environment.
  • Increasing MAX Output voltage, due to reducing pull-up resister

Thanks and best regards,