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BQ20Z655-R1: bq20z655-r1 RSOC shift

Part Number: BQ20Z655-R1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: GPCCHEM

Hello to TI support team ,

          I use bq20z655-r1 with 4S3P configuration ICR-18650-26JM Cells chem ID : -2776

I made Golden pack according sequence following recommendation of TI . I received max error =1 . The problem I have is RSOC register mismach at new cells state , I mean i receive the cells from the vendor   at voltage 3590mV - 3596mV  it set RSOC at start ( 37% - 44% )  in realty if i discharge the battery from this state it has only ~23% of design capacity . After battery fully charged it set 100% and has proper RSOC indicatuin during all discharge period .

     How can i repair initial RSOC shift  from ~40 % to ~25 %  ? 


Alexander Burtakov

  • Hello Alexander,

    I believe chemistry ID 2776 is obsolete. That means that there is some error in the chemistry data. This may be the cause of the incorrect initial reading. You can get a new chem ID match by using the GPCCHEM tool.