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As per the Datasheet, if the DT pin is left open: The default dead time is from 0 to 15ns Maximum.
Can you confirm that by keeping the DT pin Floating, will set the dead time between OUT A & OUT B to maximum 15 ns.
In my application, I am keeping the DT pin floating,is there any issue in Keeping the DT pin floating.
If yes, what is the consequences.
Hi Sudeep,
Thank you for reaching out on E2E!
As detailed in the datasheet, TI does not recommend leaving the DT pin floating. Noise can couple into the pin and affect the conditions of the outputs. Instead, we recommend either tying DT to VCCI or setting the DT with a resistor between DT and GND (see snippet below).
Olivia Brandel
Hello Olivia Brandel,
As per the datasheet, if the DT pin 6 is left floating: it introduces a dead time of 0 to 15nsec , as per the image attached my Understanding is correct.
Hi, Sudeep,
Our recommendation is to not leave it floating. It is very easy for noise to couple in and cause changes in the dead-time. Please follow Olivia's recommendations.
Best regards,