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LM5022: LM5022 Oscillates

Part Number: LM5022

I am using an LM5022 in a boost supply i am designing I have configured the part to make 48V at 3 amps.  I have added some EMI filtering to the input and output.  My problem is i can not get it stable it keeps osilating even under no load or even a small load.  I have tried changing my compensation several times but no success.  I was hoping to get some support to see what i am doing wrong in my desing or my layout. 

I will attach my schematic and also a scope shot of what i am seeing on the gate drive. 

  • Hello Scott,

    Thanks for reaching out for us via e2e.

    Can you please specify in more detail what exactly you mean when you say "oscillating"?

    Are you talking about the screenshot of the oscilloscope?

    Which output voltage do you measure with a multimeter?  Is that correct and stable?

    What happens when you (slowly) increase the load?

    If the coonverter has been designed for 3A, it will definitely do some heavy pulse skipping with no load or just light load.

    In this mode the distance between the pulses will not be equal and so you will see that jitter on your scope.

    Best regards,


  • Hello Scott,

    I have not heard from you for the last two weeks, so I am closing this thread.

    If there are more questions, you can re-open it or just start a new one in cas this one has been locked.

    Best regards,
