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TPS54160A: Which is correct, application report or excel tool?

Part Number: TPS54160A

Please elaborate on the following discrepancy:

1-1) In SLVA369A–October 2009–Revised October 2012 Eq 13 and 15 use (2*Fsw*Lo) as a denominator. In the excel file, however, formulas in C73, C75 lack the multiplication by 2 (ex. ...(B53*C68))

1-2) On the other hand SLVA369A states that

The rms currents for the inductor windings
from Equation 16 and Equation 17 are 0.742 A and 0.388 A, respectively

These are the results in the excel file as well (C76,C77). So application note and excel file agree on the results. It will not be the case if the excel file actually uses the formula proposed by the app note:)

2-1)Equation 26 uses (-Voneg / Lo) as the numerator. However, in the Excel file, the C88 formula uses ((Vopos-Voneg) / Lo).

Which is correct? Please teach me.