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TLV733P-Q1: AbsMax rating on EN pin

Part Number: TLV733P-Q1

Hello Expert,

I have question for TLV733P-Q1's AbsMax rating at EN pin.
Datasheet explained that it is Vin + 0.3V.
However our customer haven't observed any issue even though they are using this device with Vin=1.8V and EN high=3.3V.

So they'd like to know about expected actual problem when they use this device at outside of AbsMax from the point of view of EN pin.(e.g. Internal EN circuit may be broken and won't be able to shut down, etc...)
Would you tell me it?

Thank you and best regards,
Kazuki Kuramochi

  • Hi Kazuki, 

    We can't guarantee the part work to the DS specifications if it is used outside of ABS max ratings, the reliability of the device may become affected. 

    I will look to see if there is specific damage to look for. 



  • Hey Kazuki,

    The ESD diode that connects from EN to VIN can blow up and become damaged and the failure mode can be unknown. This failure is classified as catastrophic due to the fact that VIN, EN, or OUT can become shorted to GND or to surrounding copper traces/planes. 

    We do not recommend it, but if the connection needs to be made this way an external resistor could be connected to keep the current through the diode low (on the magnitude of 10k or more).



  • Hi Juliette,

    Thank you for your swift reply.
    I understand that violation of EN pin rating may cause of damage on EN pin and we cannot estimate failure mode.

    Also, I'd like to make sure about workaround for violation of EN pin rating which is adding resistor on EN pin.
    Dose it mean than we should add resistor between EN pin to GND or EN pin to other location?

    Thank you and best regards,
    Kazuki Kuramochi

  • Hi Kazuki,

    The resistor would be connected between your EN input signal and the pin.



  • Hi Juliette,

    I understand that additional resistor should be placed between EN pin and EN signal source to limit supply current.

    Thank you and best regards,
    Kazuki Kuramochi