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TPSM82823A: pull-up resistor for the PG-pin

Part Number: TPSM82823A

Hi team,

Hi team,

In the datasheet, the pull-up resistor for the PG-pin is 100kOhm.

Could you tell how to decide this value? Or if other value is used instead of 100kOhm, what can happe?


Noriyuki Takahashi

  • Hi Noriyuki,

    When the PG is low, the current through this branch is determined by the pull up voltage and resistor. You have some flexibility in choosing this resistor. A pull up resistor of 100KOhm is recommended to reduce the current consumption. It is recommended to keep the current through this branch less than 1mA since the PG still has some small resistance when pulled low. This will help keep the PG low level voltage to below 0.4V, which may be required while sequencing. 

    Best regards,
