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BQ25306: the charge current not stable when battery near to full, and cause unstable VBUS ripple

Part Number: BQ25306

Hi Experts,

customer board found BQ25306 charge current not stable when battery near to full (4.15V), and cause unstable VBUS ripple. captured waveform as below:

battery is charge near to full, then at this moment, customer add 300mA-500mA current load to battery to trigger fast charge.

customer schematic as below:

PCB layout as below:


1. found increase the output capacitance from 10uF to 20uF, the performance can be better, but can not fix the issue completely.

2. found the FB loop capacitance 470pF, change to less than 150pF seems can fix the issue.


1. is it due to the loop is un-sable? what is the FB capacitance value should we choose? how to calculate it?

2.  how can we proof loop is stable or not? if we can test the gain and phase via loop analyzer when at fast charge mode?