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BQ79652-Q1: Set All pins as Thermistor Input

Part Number: BQ79652-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQSTUDIO



We are trying to use CFETOFF pin to sense the temperature. In order to do so we are using an external NTC with a 18kohm internal pullup resistor as raw value count.

Command Sequence is as follows:
W: 10 3e 90 00 - start config
W: 10 3e fa 92 3b - CFETOFF config
W: 10 60 38 05 - checksum
W: 10 3e 92 00 - End config
R: 10 6a 2 - without ground -data:- AC 4C
R: 10 6a 2 - when grounded -data:- 20 02

Could you help us in understanding the meaning of above values ?

We even want to set all pins with same configuration.

