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BQ25910EVM-854: BQ25910EVM-854 The efficiency test result is about 1% lower than datasheet

Part Number: BQ25910EVM-854
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ25898, BQ25910, BQ25898D


The customer test with the BQ25910EVM, The efficiency test result is about 1% lower than datasheet. For example, at the peak efficiency (VBUS = 5V, VBAT = 3.8V, charging current 1.1A), the measured efficiency is 94.5%.

The register set as below:

I2C address

Reg address

Write command





Master HIZ enable




Master WD disable




25910 WD reset




25910 WD disable




25910 CHG enable

Test point as below:

Input voltage: GND_ s & VUS2_ S

Input current: R19 (R21 mentioned in datasheet is not welded on the board and bypasses ron_qblk)

Output voltage: Vout_ 910_ S (BAT_S in datasheet is unreasonable, BAT_S is connected with bq25898) & GND_ S

Output current: R20

Ambient temperature: 25 ~ 30 ℃. The SW and fly cap waveforms of bq25910 are normal.

VBUS=5V,VBAT=3.8V。 VBUS and VBAT are adjust slightly according to the change of charging current.

What other factors will affect the efficiency of the test?

Waiting for your reply.



  • Hi Star,

    Were the VBAT and VBUS measured exactly on the corresponding testpoints?


    Mike Emanuel

  • Hi Mike Emanuel

    Thanks for your reply.

    The test points as below:

    Input voltage: GND_ s & VUS2_ S

    Input current: R19 (R21 mentioned in datasheet is not welded on the board and bypasses ron_qblk)

    Output voltage: Vout_ 910_ S (BAT_s in datasheet is obviously unreasonable, BATt_s is connected with bq25898) & GND_ s

    Output current: R20

    Are these test points selected correctly?



  • Hi Star,

    Those are the correct test points.  Is the BQ25898 in HiZ mode?  R19 and R20 have some variability but I do not expect that to adjust efficiency by 1%.   The datasheet has DFE252012F-R47M with DCR=0.017ohm typical but 0.023ohm max.  It is possible that the inductor used for the datasheet curves has lower lower DCR than the one on the EVM.  But that's only 1.1A^2*(0.023-0.017)ohm=7milliwatts of loss.  I have an EVM in the lab and will quickly test using Keithley sourcemeters later today.  



  • Hi Star,

    I get 95.2% on my EVM using Keithley meters with .

    VBUS=5V, IBUS=0.854A, VBAT=3.8V, IBAT=1.07A.

    If I only disable charge on BQ25898D instead of HiZ (or removing the series sense resistors), I get 94.8% efficiency.



  • Hi Jeff,

    It's me to ask this question.

    the meter I use is KEITHLEY DAQ6510. And I also try using another meter, but get same result. So I think the error is not because of meter.

    I tested inductor resistance  on my EVM--It's 16.67mohm

    BQ25898D SW stop when I test efficiency. (It means BQ25898D enter HiZ mode, right?)

  • Hi Jizhi,

    Unless the BQ25898D is in HiZ or completely removed from the circuit, it has noticeable leakage at VBUS and BAT pins.  Can you retest on the EVM after removing R2 and R4?  This is will completely remove the BQ25898D.  Also, when measuring VBUS and BAT using TP25 and TP26, please ensure that the grounds are connected to the same ground test point.  



  • Hi Jeff,

    after removing R2 and R4,test result is similar, 

    Vin 101 Iin 102 Vbatt 103 Ibatt 104 efficiency
    4.9962 6.983 3.8 8.65 94.21%
    5.004 7.369 3.8 9.154 94.33%
    5.0024 7.768 3.8 9.65 94.37%
    5.0015 8.166 3.8 10.147 94.41%
    5 8.564 3.7999 10.64 94.42%
    4.9992 8.964 3.7999 11.139 94.45%
    4.9978 9.367 3.8 11.633 94.43%
    4.9965 9.775 3.8 12.136 94.42%
    4.995 10.179 3.8 12.632 94.41%
    5.0052 10.56 3.7999 13.13 94.40%

    This is same as expected. Because no matter BQ25898D exist or not ,we tested BQ25910 current and voltage. Efficiency test result should NOT change after remove other parts, right?

    Input voltage: GND_ s & VUS2_ S

    Output voltage: Vout_ 910_ S  & GND_ s

  • Hi Jizhi,

    Ok. I assume, then, that your EVM has a IC with higher Rdson FETs.  There is a variation as shown below:

